Soft washing is known for it's ability to remove algae, mold, mildew and dirt from exterior surfaces that wouldn't have been able to be cleaned otherwise.
As you can see pictured above, this is a dry-vit material that was cleaned using the soft wash method. Dry-vit is a very delicate surface so pressure washing a surface like this is simply not an option because it will cause damage.
The process works by using a low pressure chemical pump to apply the soft washing cleaning chemicals and then after a 10-15 dwell time, the cleaning solution is thoroughly rinsed off leaving behind a perfectly clean surface.
Generally soft washing chemicals consist of two parts. The first part is the Algicide, this is the part that kills algae, mold, and mildew it is also great for removing wasps nests and spider websites. The most common algicide using in professional soft washing is Sodium Hypochlorite.
The second part of the soft washing solution is the surfactant. This part of the soft washing solution serves many purposes; it allows the algicide to cling to the surface for much longer, keeps the surface wet for longer, and clings to all of the dirt and loose particles on the surface.
At the start of the rinsing process, the surfactant will make it much easier for the bugs, dirt, and cobwebs and rinse away without stubbornly clinging to the walls.
There are many different ways to apply soft wash solution. The most common method for applying soft washing solution is through a down stream injector and a pressure washer. This is the most simple setup for soft washing. Many people refer to the use of a down stream injector as "down streaming".
The other popular method is to use a soft wash pump and metering valves. There are many different styles of soft wash pumps including 12v systems, gas systems, air diaphragm pumps.
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